Thu 02 Jan
Hot Italian HAILY... Expert Natural Girlfriend... , Hardbody & Beautiful! Exceptional - 21
HOT* ExOtic BomBshell* Super SeXy! REAL Pictures(: Cambodian (Princess) - 19
(North Jersey, Secaucus Incall Location Route 3)
❤ GORGeouS & EXoTiC CaRAMeL ViXeN❤ New Red HaiR!❤ JaZz MuSic Rose Petals & CaNDLeS ❤NUDE Massage♥ - 21
(North Jersey, Private Apt Fairlawn.Upscale Incalls)
H I G H LY TA L E N TED ♥ H OT & R -E -A -D -Y - 1 DAY ONLY! 100 - 21
*ೋ* Can you handle the biggest buns in the city??? 45 INCHES to be exact*ೋ* - 21
(Milwaukee/Surrounding Areas)
💋 ♥ G O O D ♥ G I R L •:*:• 💋🎈🎈 G O N E ♥ *💋💗•:**:• B A D ♥;) 💝LATINA 💝 🎈🎈🎈🔥🔥 - 21
(North Jersey, OUTCALL BaBY now babe REAL 💯💯💯)
-:•.🌟.•: * •●❣ ●💢FUN * •●❣●💢SeXY* •●❣●💢FLIRTY *•●❣● • * :•.🌟.•: * - 23
(Newark, North Jersey, Secaucus)
☎GOOD KISSES☎☎( ♥☎♥ $PECIAL ♥☎♥ )☎G☎F☎// 1000% ME☎☎☎ ( ♥☎♥AVAiLABLE NOW♥☎♥ ))☎☎☎ - 22
📒📘📕From Barranquila COLOMBIA📒📘📕S E X Y 🌹🌹UNIQUE 🌹🌹WILD 🌹🌹colombian latina latin😘💖💋© - 25
(Elizabeth, Jersey City, Newark, North Jersey)
► Friendly, accomodating, REAL girls outcall 2 U!!! ◄█ CREDIT ACCEPTED - 22
(South Jersey, Outcalls South Jersey!!)
♥ fun*sexy★ loving party girl (very open minded)♥real and independent - 23
(Central Jersey, nj outcall)
😘💋♥ Fire 80 Rose Special... Exclusive Entertainment ♥♥♥ happy new year's specials - 22
(North Jersey, paterson outcalls jersey city outcalls)
First Today📒📒📒📒📒📒📒 NEW ARRIVED 📒📒📒📒 NEW SEXY sweet ASIAN 📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒 📒📒📒📒📒 📒📒📒📒📒 - 22
(Hackensack-- little ferry 📒📒📒📒, Newark, North Jersey)
🔥🔥FiRE SweeT 💦😽 Lips 💦 Tasty Petite Body 👅💦 L👀King To Have Fun‼️ WiTH Handsome YOU 😘😍 - 22
(North Jersey, Newark Airport / Elizabeth)
🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻Fat Booty🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻$70Special🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 EBONY🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻vixen 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 - 23
(Hoboken / Union City, Hudson County, North Jersey)
★ Fall In2 EnDLeSS PLEaSURE and ABSOLuTE ECSTASY w/DAPHNEY *BUSTY* 40ddd's★ - 23
(Rutherford Incalls/Outcall Surrounding)
EVERY man's fantasy, I can make all your dreams come true - 20
(North Jersey, North jersey / Incalls / outcalls)
Ever Party with a REAL Stripper❓ INCALLS‼️1000% REAL Photos 📷 ALL NEW Hot SeXy FreAk 💝 Ready2Play - 19
(North Jersey, Elizabeth 1&9 Airport Incalls)
Ebony Freak Babe, Available All Weekend.. Safe InCall, Discreet OutCall.. No Texting.. - 30
(North Jersey, Incall/Outcall)
=♥= E_X_0_T_I_C ___ ___ ** === G_O_R _G_E_O_U_S === ___ ___** B_O_M_B_ S_H_E_L_L =♥= - 22
(North Jersey, Wayne Area Incalls)
EroTic—|| █► __eXOTIC• —°x°—— •SEXY• ——°x°—— •IM THE ONE• —°x°—— •YOU NEED 100 % DoMiNiCaN HeAt 😻 - 21
(North Jersey, OutCallS OnlY 2 ALL NJ ......... 24/7)
early morning specials$$ guarantee u won't be disappointed - 25
(North Jersey, Elizabeth n.j.)
Dont Settle For Anything!!!!!!! When you can have me. Special$$$$ - 23
(North Jersey, Paramus / garden state plaza)
💎Elite Companion // Outcall // Sweetest🍑 💎 HighlyReviewed ✅ Highly Recommended ✅ - 23
(Newark, North Jersey, Parsippany north jersey)
DO you Dare? Relax and Enjoy. Personalized Attentive Service - Incall Massage Montville, Rt 80, 46 - 37
(North Jersey, Montville, LincolnPark, Rts 80,46,23,287)
Do you think you should relax before the work begins? *Sunday Special Rates* - 20534
(fairfield, wayne, parsippany, whippany)
Dominican & Filipino MIXED ((( CuRvY ))) __ BODY! __ ((( Exotic ))) PLAYMATE - 21
(North Jersey, between me)
D@Ng€rOuS ~ ¢uRv€s ( 5 (☆) S€Rv!C€ ;) @m@Z¡nG ** §eXx¥ §p€c¡@L§! - 22
(North Jersey, North Bergen, NJ incall)